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Patients and caregivers are invited to volunteer with NMDP as a Voice of The Community volunteer.

In this role, your feedback will help make sure our programs and resources meet the needs of patients and caregivers. You can choose what type(s) of projects you’d like to participate in:

  • Education (For example, providing feedback to help us improve/create education materials. We will not ask you to write education materials.)
  • Marketing (For example, providing feedback on program names, outreach efforts or other promotions)
  • Research (For example, providing feedback to help create conversation guides for doctors that address common questions and concerns about clinical trials)

Request to join


You can volunteer in this role if: 

  • You can read and speak English fluently
  • You either:
    • Received a diagnosis of a blood cancer or blood disorder
    • Are the primary caregiver for someone with a blood cancer or blood disorder

There are no educational or geographical requirements for this volunteer role. Bilingual volunteers are desired.

Time Commitment

There will be a variety of projects throughout the year. You must agree to participate in at least 4 projects each year. Each project will take about 30 minutes to an hour.

For maintenance purposes, you may be removed from the group if you do not complete any projects in a year.


We will:

  • Send you projects by email
  • Give you clear instructions and any needed materials
  • Answer your questions in a timely manner 
  • Keep all feedback confidential
  • Give you a reasonable amount of time for each project
  • Thank you for your time and dedication

You will: 

  • Participate in at least 4 projects each year 
  • Keep track of the time you spend volunteering 
  • Share your feedback honestly. You won’t hurt our feelings!
  • Keep information shared by other volunteers confidential
  • Tell us if your ability to volunteer changes

How to join

  1. Fill out a bio about yourself. This helps us get to know your experience, and determine which type(s) of projects you’d like to participate in.
  2. An NMDP patient education team member will email you with instructions to set up a volunteer profile with NMDP (this is how you’ll log your hours). You’ll also get a volunteer handbook and 2 documents to sign and return.