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Tour de TC raises an incredible $200K to power hope and cures

Tour de TC cyclists at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia finish line

After a great inaugural event last year, Tour de TC kicked off for a second time this past summer—and we’re pleased to report it was a huge success! 

Taking place May through August, this year’s Tour de TC included six multi-day bike tours, covering scenic terrain such as California Wine Country, Cape Cod and the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Thirty-three cyclists—including transplant recipients, blood stem cell donors, registry members, sponsors, couriers, physicians and staff members—rode 1,990 miles to raise funds and awareness of our life-saving mission. 

Thanks to our incredible sponsors, support and gear (SAG) volunteers, and the collective pedal power of these cyclists, more than $200,000 was raised to help add more potential donors to the Be The Match Registry®, cover uninsured costs for patients in need, and fund groundbreaking research to improve transplant outcomes.

We want to extend a very special thank you to BeiGene, our presenting sponsor, as well as the other sponsors whose generosity helped bring this cross-country event to life: Orca Bio, Sobi, Gamida Cell, and Kriete Trucking.

This year we received a tremendous amount of support from our couriers—the amazing individuals who travel worldwide to hand-deliver those healthy blood stem cells to the patients who need them.

Here are some highlights from this year:


Our initial tour took our riders through California Wine Country, and they celebrated with our new sponsor, Orca Bio, cycling with many employees along the Johnny Cash Trail.


Riders posing along the California tour


Orca Bio, Tour de TC’s Diamond sponsor


The Midwest riders began with a celebration event with Froedtert Hospital, then routed through beautiful Lake Geneva and the Wisconsin Dells.


Riders posing along the Wisconsin/Midwest tour


Riders kick off the tour with a celebration at Froedtert Hospital


The Colorado cyclists kicked off their ride with a celebration with the Graves family and then continued through the challenging Rocky Mountains.

Colorado cyclists with Bob Falkenberg (center), transplant recipient and Tour de TC founder - Tour de TC 2023

Colorado cyclists with Bob Falkenberg (center), transplant recipient and Tour de TC founder


Our Boston riders started their journey with our longtime sponsor, Sobi, and rode through Martha’s Vineyard.


Boston tour bicyclists sharing their reason for raising funds


Philadelphia cyclists celebrated their tour finale with many supporters from CHOP (Children's Hospital of Philadelphia), sharing their personal connections and reasons for joining our mission.

Philadelphia cyclists gather for a group photo - Tour de TC 2023

Philadelphia cyclists gather for a group photo


Emily Holloway cycled 257 miles in celebration and remembrance of her dad—as well as her own 40th birthday.

Seattle cyclists stop for a photo along the scenic route

Seattle cyclists stop for a photo along the scenic route

We’re so grateful to all who participated and our support and gear drivers who volunteered their time on each ride.

Want to join us next year to ride and raise funds for patients? If you’re a mission supporter with a bike, we’ve got something for you! Our tours range in length, location and difficulty level. Check out next year’s beautiful routes and tour dates over at Tour de TC 2024—hope to see you on the road!