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NMDP Circle of Hope eases burdens for patients and donors

Every year, our generous NMDPSM supporters give financial gifts that help accelerate progress and expand access so more patients can receive their life-saving cell therapy. Our Circle of Hope members are a community of our most generous and loyal financial supporters.

In 2023, 1,116 Circle of Hope supporters made a more than $10.7 million impact. Incredible gifts like these allow us to invest in programs and research to save more lives through cell therapy.

How good goes a long way with NMDP’s Circle of Hope

The funds we receive from our Circle of Hope supporters are crucial to support patients and donors before, during and after transplant.

For example, about 50% of patients and families must relocate—often for months—to have a blood stem cell transplant. With relocation costs and rising out-of-pocket costs due to inflation, more and more families worry about how they’ll pay for expenses like food, housing, copays and prescription medicines.

NMDP patient financial grants made possible through philanthropy can alleviate some of this burden.

For our blood stem cell donors, financial gifts mean NMDP donors never pay for donating. NMDP covers all medical costs for the donation, travel expenses and other non-medical costs.

We’re grateful for our Circle of Hope community for their tremendous, reliable support.

Join in supporting NMDP in a way that’s meaningful to you. Give directly. Break your donation out into smaller amounts each month. Or ask your friends and family to join you in supporting our cause.

Make a gift in any amount that’s comfortable for you. With your support, good goes a long way.