A girl sitting in a medical room donating blood cells.

Donor job protection

Answering the call to save a life should not impact your job

A girl sitting in a medical room donating blood cells.

Donor job protection

Answering the call to save a life should not impact your job

Life Saving Leave Act (H.R. 3024)

Donor leave legislation (donor job protection) allows more people to say “YES” when they get the call to be a life-saving match for a patient in need. Donor job protection reduces the barriers employees face when making the decision to donate bone marrow or blood stem cells. This legislation will make it easier for donors to take time off from work to save a life.

Map showing which US states have donor leave policiesMap showing which US states have donor leave policies

Why is a national solution needed?

Only 1 in 10 donors reside in the same state as their recipient match. Current donor leave policies vary from state to state. A national solution is needed to ensure that all patients have equal access to transplant, regardless of where their donor works or resides.

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Life-saving Stories

NMDP donor Claire’s employer was very supportive during the process of her donation. At first, she thought she would need to use her personal sick leave to complete her bone marrow donation, but she soon learned that Washington State employees could use up to 40 hours every 2 years for life-giving procedures.

Since Claire’s donation, that allotment has increased. Now employees can take up to 30 days of leave. “I am so lucky I was able to save a life because of my access to leave, and every donor should be able to do the same.”