After you donate
With so much focus on donation and the days leading up to it, you may be unsure about what happens after you donate your blood stem cells. Here’s a quick look at what to expect as you continue your donor journey.
Recovery from blood stem cell donation
How long it takes to recover from either bone marrow or peripheral blood stem cell (PBSC) donation depends on the donor. In general, you should expect to return to work, school and most other activities within one to seven days after the procedure. We’ll follow up with you until you report a full recovery.
Recovery from peripheral blood stem cell donation
The median time to full recovery for peripheral blood stem cell (PBSC) donation is 1 week (7 days). Note: Median time is defined as the middle number in a range of numbers. Watch the video to learn more about recovery from Dr. Rayne Rouce and Joey, a PBSC donor.
Recovery from bone marrow donation
The median time to full recovery for a marrow donation is 20 days, meaning that your bone marrow will return to normal levels within a few weeks. In this video, Kourtney talks about her recovery from bone marrow donor, with additional information from a transplant physician.
Contacting your recipient
In some cases, it may be possible to contact and/or meet the patient you donated to. However, this is determined by local laws, your privacy preferences and those of the recipient. NMDPSM understands the need to protect your privacy. Therefore, you’ll never be required to meet or speak with your recipient should you feel uncomfortable doing so.
Together, our impact multiplies
When you donate blood stem cells, you join a community of supporters dedicated to being the cure for patients with blood cancers and other disorders. Share your contribution by telling your donor story, showing the world the abundance of potential for good each one of us has. Learn about the ways you can use your voice to support the mission.