A woman in a beanie speaks on the phone, multitasking as she uses her laptop.
LaShonda, blood stem cell recipient

Patient care

We’re dedicated to helping you navigate through your journey and learn more about your disease and transplant.

Understanding transplant

There’s a lot to digest as you consider a blood or marrow transplant (BMT). While every journey is unique, knowing the basics can help you prepare. Here, you’ll discover more about why a transplant might be right for you and the different types. You’ll also learn about how to find your best donor match, and get more information about various treatment decisions so you can have informed conversations with your doctor.

Transplant support

As you move through the transplant process, knowing what to expect is important. We have resources to help you prepare for and recover from transplant, including information on the risks and potential outcomes. We also offer materials geared toward kids and teens.

Beyond being a source of information, we provide support. Whether you need financial assistance, one-on-one time with a patient navigator, group sessions or connection with other patients who have been in your shoes, the team managing the NMDPSM Patient Support Center is here to help.

Clinical trials support

As part of your treatment for a blood cancer or blood disorder, you might have the option to join a clinical trial. We help you and your family members find and join clinical trials through our Jason Carter Clinical Trials Search and Support (CTSS) program.

You receive one-on-one support from an NMDP clinical trials navigator. Our CTSS website includes an easy-to-use search tool. We offer support in English and Spanish.

Resources for caregivers

Caregiving comes with its own challenges. The roadblocks and stress can be as hard on you as they are on the patient. We offer resources on a variety of topics, such as managing finances, finding a community of other caregivers or taking care of yourself to help you through your loved one’s transplant and recovery.